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Updated: 11-18-12 12:23 PM
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Updated:11-18-12 12:23 PM
Created:08-28-12 02:37 PM
Gadgets: Outfitter
by: Wykkyd [More]
Outfitter is an Equipment Set management addon that can treat your Wardrobe slots as secondary storage. The 'Button Bars' that you create are extremely configurable and will expand and collapse, or open the configuration window, with a simple click of the mouse. Once expanded each button bar will display the buttons for the sets you have created, allowing you to change gear, role & Karuul Alert settings with a click.

TUTORIAL: Video Tutorial available now in HD!

* Place 1 or more button bars on screen using Gadgets interface to easily move & configure each
* Configure Equipment Sets that are exclusive to each button bar, allowing quick changes between specs, gear & Karuul Alerts.
* Equipment can be stored and retrieved from Wardrobe or Bags
* Equipment found in Wardrobe will be traded out when called for, resulting in your Wardrobe slots acting like enhanced storage
* ButtonBar Anchors highlight blue when you are in that anchor's configuration window
* ButtonBar Anchors now show the last EquipmentSet clicked, with an orange border (note: it doesn't know if you've reloaded UI or logged out since you last used it).

Notes / Disclaimers:
* This addon requires Gadgets to be installed & the core Gadgets addon to be enabled. You do not nbeed to use the rest of Gadgets.
* Switching gear between wardrobe slots & worn requires up to 8 empty bag slots. You've been warned.
* Movement of gear outside of this addon while it is changing sets can cause it to stall / stop / fail to equip completely.
* This is a BETA addon and may generate LUA errors / performance alerts

I have made extensive efforts to prevent/reduce errors and performance alerts but this is new, I'm not perfect AND I taught myself LUA and the Rift API as I wrote this. So you've been warned. If you experience problems PLEASE email me directly at [email protected]. Comments placed here may or may not be noticed quickly enough, although posting here does allow the rest of the community to see errors they might also experience and my response to them.

Button Bar Instructions:
* Use the Gadgets interface to Add Gadget to your screen.
* Add an Outfitter: Set Button to your screen and place it anywhere you like.
* Right click that button to bring up the Equipment Manager window.
* Left click the button to expand the button bar, exposing any created buttons.
* Click on any exposed button to change spec, Karuul Alerts and gear.

Equipment Manager Instructions:
* The X at the top right of the window does actually close the window
* The X touching each inventory slot will set that slot as ignored by the set (when equipping that set). Click again to un-ignore.
* Use the drop down list to select a set, or simply start configuring to add a new one.
* Drag & drop any gear you want for the set into the window (2nd ring & offhand weapon should probably be dragged onto that specific slot)
* Specify whether or not to change roles, and whether or not to switch Karuul sets
* YOU WILL HAVE TO RELOADUI to see changes in your button bar

Known Issues:
* NA

Upcomming Features:
* Reloadui prompting
* New "Middle Click" function off of button bar anchor that will spawn a mass item replacement window. This would allow you to replace a piece of gear with its upgrade across all sets with a few simple clicks.
* cloak fix
* Added preliminary cape handling. Enjoy ;)
* Replaced a deprecated event trigger. Compatibility Mode is no longer necessary.
* Fixed a bug affecting new buttonbar creation.
* Cleaned up and rebuilt most of the system under the hood
* Added an enhanced libWykkyd library, this must be enabled for the addon to function
* Cleaned up equipment icons in the management window
* Added proper equipment rarity borders to the management window
* Changed the "ignore slot" image to a lock, instead of a big red X
* Added "Alert" functionality, so you can announce your role/gear changes to Raid, Group, Yell or Say
* Cleaned up the management window form quite a bit
* update for game version 1.10
* fixed a typo
* Added controls to lock the addon during combat and prevent errors.
* Fixed an error message when left clicking a buttonbar without having configured any buttons yet. (release):
* Fixed "ignore confusion" when switching between multiple ButtonBar configurations.
* Added: Blue highlight on anchors when configuring their respective sets
* Added: Icon shifting for anchors to show the last equipped Set
* Fixed an error that was occurring when attempting to equip Totems
* Corrected an item error when not found during equip
* Expand directions other than RIGHT should now function properly
* Delete functionality should now behave properly
* Tooltip errors should now happen less frequently when items can't be found
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Unread 08-29-12, 07:32 AM  
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still getting this stuff. Oddly I can change to my 5th set, 1st and 2nd set but not 3 and 4, but even then it only changes role not equipment still.

Error: Incorrect function usage.
  Parameters: ""
  Parameter types: string
Function documentation:
	Provides detailed information about items.
		item = Inspect.Item.Detail(item)   -- table <- item
		item = Inspect.Item.Detail(itemtype)   -- table <- itemtype
		item = Inspect.Item.Detail(slot)   -- table <- slot
		items = Inspect.Item.Detail(slot)   -- table <- slot
		items = Inspect.Item.Detail(elements)   -- table <- table
		elements:	A table of slot specifiers, item IDs, or item types.
		item:	A single item ID.
		itemtype:	A single item type.
		slot:	A single slot specifier.
Return values:
		item:	Detail table for a single item.
		items:	Detail tables for all requested items. The key is the string used to lookup, the value is the item's detail table.
Returned members:
		bind:	The item's binding type. May be "equip", "use", "pickup", or "account".
		bound:	The item's bound flag.
		category:	The item's type category.
		coin:	The amount of silver this item represents.
		cooldown:	The cooldown for using this item.
		cooldownBegin:	The time the current cooldown started, in the context of Inspect.Time.Frame.
		cooldownDuration:	Duration of the current cooldown the item is influenced by, in seconds.
		cooldownExpired:	Number of seconds the current cooldown is past its expiration time. Generally indicates lag.
		cooldownRemaining:	Time remaining in the item's current cooldown, in seconds.
		crafter:	The name of the player who crafted this item.
		damageDelay:	If a weapon, the delay between autoattacks using this weapon.
		damageMax:	If a weapon, the maximum damage done by a single hit with this item.
		damageMin:	If a weapon, the minimum damage done by a single hit with this item.
		damageType:	If a weapon, the damage type done by autoattacks. Values include "life", "death", "air", "earth", "fire", and "water".
		description:	The description of this item.
		flavor:	The flavor text for this item.
		icon:	Resource filename of the item's icon.
		id:	The ID of the requested element.
		lootable:	Indicates that the item contains loot.
		name:	The item's name.
		range:	If a ranged weapon, the maximum range of this item.
		rarity:	The item's rarity. Values include "sellable", "uncommon", "rare", "epic", "relic", "transcendant", or "quest". Common items have a rarity of nil.
		requiredCalling:	Space-delimited list of the required callings to use this item.
		requiredFaction:	The ID of the faction required to use this item.
		requiredFactionLevel:	The faction notoriety required to use this item.
		requiredLevel:	The level required to use this item.
		requiredPrestige:	The prestige rank required to use this item.
		requiredSkill:	The skill required to use this item.
		requiredSkillLevel:	The skill level required to use this item.
		sell:	The sell value of this item, in silver.
		slots:	If a container, the number of slots that this item can contain.
		stack:	The size of this item stack.
		stackMax:	The maximum size of this item stack.
		stats:	The base stats of this item. Members may include "block", "critAttack", "critSpell", "deflect", "dexterity", "dodge", "endurance", "energyMax", "energyRegen", "focus", "hit", "intelligence", "manaMax", "manaRegen", "movement", "parry", "powerAttack", "powerMax", "powerRegen", "powerSpell", "resistAir", "resistDeath", "resistEarth", "resistFire", "resistLife", "resistWater", "stealth", "stealthDetect", "strength", "wisdom", "xp", "valor", "toughness", and "vengeance".
		statsRune:	The added rune stats of this item. May contain the same members as stats.
		statsRuneTemporary:	The added temporary rune stats of this item. May contain the same members as stats.
		type:	The item's type specifier.
    In wtLibCore / wtLibCore.wykkydOutfitter_1_loadBtn:LeftClick
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'Detail'
	Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.equipengine.lua:225: in function 'AttemptEquip'
	Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.EquipSets.lua:14: in function 'Equip'
	Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.EquipSets.lua:173: in function 'Load'
	Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.Window.Form.lua:238: in function 'cycleSettings'
	Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.Window.Form.lua:455: in function <Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.Window.Form.lua:453>
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Unread 08-29-12, 05:39 AM  
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Tip: You can scroll your mouse wheel over the image selector to ease icon selection.
Stormbringer Wykkyd the Volcanic
<Aegis> - Laethys, Guardian - 8/8 ID, r50, 1034 PA, 8250+ Achievements
I walk the Earth another day - The Wykkyd one, that comes this way...
Savior to my own, devil to some - Mankind falls, something Wykkyd comes...
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Unread 08-29-12, 05:28 AM  
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Thank you very much, Nytmare. Good find. The expand direction bug was a silly error on my part. So there's a new version:

Your bugs should be fixed in that version.
Stormbringer Wykkyd the Volcanic
<Aegis> - Laethys, Guardian - 8/8 ID, r50, 1034 PA, 8250+ Achievements
I walk the Earth another day - The Wykkyd one, that comes this way...
Savior to my own, devil to some - Mankind falls, something Wykkyd comes...
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Unread 08-29-12, 03:12 AM  
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got this this morning while setting up my second set. I had the UI open and changed roles and this popped up

Error: Incorrect function usage.
  Parameters: (Text: wtLibGadget.outfitTooltipType_1.0x25a4f8a8), nil
  Parameter types: Text, nil
Function documentation:
	Sets the current text for this element.
		Text:SetText(text)   -- string
		Text:SetText(text, html)   -- string, boolean
		html:	Enables HTML mode. In HTML mode, a limited number of formatting tags are available: <u>, <font color="#rrggbb">, and <a lua="print('This is a lua script.')">.
		text:	The new text for the element.
    In wtLibGadget / wtLibGadget.wykOutfitter_handoff_1_icon:MouseIn
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'SetText'
	Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.TooltipWindow.lua:349: in function 'FillTooltipWindow'
	Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.TooltipWindow.lua:452: in function 'OpenTooltipWindow'
	Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.Window.lua:66: in function <Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.Window.lua:63>
I also got this after setting up my sets, reloading the UI and clicking the set to change to:
(it also is not changing my gear only my role when this happens, and it is all gear and roles that I have had, nothing new and nothing that I have not had already worn before)
Error: Incorrect function usage.
Parameters: ""
Parameter types: string
Function documentation:
Provides detailed information about items.
item = Inspect.Item.Detail(item) -- table <- item
item = Inspect.Item.Detail(itemtype) -- table <- itemtype
item = Inspect.Item.Detail(slot) -- table <- slot
items = Inspect.Item.Detail(slot) -- table <- slot
items = Inspect.Item.Detail(elements) -- table <- table
elements: A table of slot specifiers, item IDs, or item types.
item: A single item ID.
itemtype: A single item type.
slot: A single slot specifier.
Return values:
item: Detail table for a single item.
items: Detail tables for all requested items. The key is the string used to lookup, the value is the item's detail table.
Returned members:
bind: The item's binding type. May be "equip", "use", "pickup", or "account".
bound: The item's bound flag.
category: The item's type category.
coin: The amount of silver this item represents.
cooldown: The cooldown for using this item.
cooldownBegin: The time the current cooldown started, in the context of Inspect.Time.Frame.
cooldownDuration: Duration of the current cooldown the item is influenced by, in seconds.
cooldownExpired: Number of seconds the current cooldown is past its expiration time. Generally indicates lag.
cooldownRemaining: Time remaining in the item's current cooldown, in seconds.
crafter: The name of the player who crafted this item.
damageDelay: If a weapon, the delay between autoattacks using this weapon.
damageMax: If a weapon, the maximum damage done by a single hit with this item.
damageMin: If a weapon, the minimum damage done by a single hit with this item.
damageType: If a weapon, the damage type done by autoattacks. Values include "life", "death", "air", "earth", "fire", and "water".
description: The description of this item.
flavor: The flavor text for this item.
icon: Resource filename of the item's icon.
id: The ID of the requested element.
lootable: Indicates that the item contains loot.
name: The item's name.
range: If a ranged weapon, the maximum range of this item.
rarity: The item's rarity. Values include "sellable", "uncommon", "rare", "epic", "relic", "transcendant", or "quest". Common items have a rarity of nil.
requiredCalling: Space-delimited list of the required callings to use this item.
requiredFaction: The ID of the faction required to use this item.
requiredFactionLevel: The faction notoriety required to use this item.
requiredLevel: The level required to use this item.
requiredPrestige: The prestige rank required to use this item.
requiredSkill: The skill required to use this item.
requiredSkillLevel: The skill level required to use this item.
sell: The sell value of this item, in silver.
slots: If a container, the number of slots that this item can contain.
stack: The size of this item stack.
stackMax: The maximum size of this item stack.
stats: The base stats of this item. Members may include "block", "critAttack", "critSpell", "deflect", "dexterity", "dodge", "endurance", "energyMax", "energyRegen", "focus", "hit", "intelligence", "manaMax", "manaRegen", "movement", "parry", "powerAttack", "powerMax", "powerRegen", "powerSpell", "resistAir", "resistDeath", "resistEarth", "resistFire", "resistLife", "resistWater", "stealth", "stealthDetect", "strength", "wisdom", "xp", "valor", "toughness", and "vengeance".
statsRune: The added rune stats of this item. May contain the same members as stats.
statsRuneTemporary: The added temporary rune stats of this item. May contain the same members as stats.
type: The item's type specifier.
In Gadgets_Outfitter / Wykkyd.Outfitter.Command.Listener, event Slash.outfitter
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'Detail'
Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.equipengine.lua:222: in function 'AttemptEquip'
Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.EquipSets.lua:14: in function 'Equip'
Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.EquipSets.lua:173: in function 'Load'
Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.lua:582: in function <Gadgets_Outfitter/Outfitter.lua:572>
a few suggestions also:
There are SO MANY Icons to chose from that it took me a while with my mouse to get a few of them because I would scroll past them and then back again trying to stop at one, perhaps a arrow key slider or a number you can type in ( number icons 1-# )

The Icons from the drop down after created are all clustered if set for DOWN instead of right:
Last edited by Nytmare : 08-29-12 at 03:33 AM.
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