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RoaringFlame 12-18-11 08:18 PM

to make Rift more user friendly of a game
Hi, i need to ask a few modifications to Rift.

Please make an addon that makes it possible to disable the world messages, such as INVADERS DEFEATED, QUEST ACCEPTED / COMPLETE, RIFT CLOSED, STAGE COMPLETE and stuff like that. Including even the countdown timer at warfronts. That including the fancy twirling flashing animation as well.

Because at an event, the messages distract the player, and since they are popping up with a flash, they have been invented to be like little stalky-sneaky commercials, to burn into any persons mind. Would you like that..?

Need an addon to disable mouse tooltipping. Because when in combat, YOU CONSTANTLY NEED TO TURN TO FACE YOUR ENEMIES, and since it is being done with the mouse secondary click held down... whenever the mouse cursor is being positioned over some object of the UI, the secondary mouseclick automatically switches to interact with that UI-object, and the camera rotation ceases to exist.
You cant turn the camera if in battle confusion you accidentally place your cursor on either the action bar, or on the minimap. And this IS proven to be fatal.

And disabling the whole UI is not a solution, because there are certain things which the player (me) needs to see during combat.

Options to disable parts of the UI -CAN- be a solution.
Dedicating a switching key to force the mouse secondary click to -and only to- camera rotation -IS- a solution. ON/OFF style.

Let the left -AND SEPARATELY- the right ALT, CTRL, SHIFT buttons be programmable, as individual keys. Also ON/OFF style. 6 new keys. Whether the player wants to use them windows style (as now), or as individual keys.

Also, let the mouse primary -and- secondary buttons be reprogrammable to any skill / actionbar slot, the player would like them to. I personally, would like to reprogram the PRIMARY click only.
And also, make the mousewheel available for remapping. So there will born an option to switch the zoom in / zoom out option that is originally mapped to the mousewheel. Or to switch between action bars, with the mousewheel, and since in Rift, the keyboard keys arent bound to skills, but action bar locations (clever!) if you can easily switch the action bar, you dont have to tap-tap 1-2-3.. OR alt + 1-2-3.. OR shift + 1-2-3.. or CTRL... because you just use any keys, WHICH FIT YOUR FINGERS and with an easy click, a new set of 12 skills is reachable. You dont have to be a pianist keyboard manipulator. Or WOULDNT. If such options existed.

Minecraft has great graphics! Because it is simple enough. What good is fancy dx10, or dx11 graphics, if the player is playing with an office VGA? That is usually dx7, and not even too fast in that. BUT CHEAP AND QUIET!
The point is; in a computer game, graphics should be available to be simplified to the point, where even an older system can handle graphics at a minimum of a constant 30 frames/sec.

That requires real time monitoring of the graphics requirements / resources available.

No matter if the 3D characters are built by cubic blocks. People will explore the HQ graphics at first, but at a prolonged period, i think, only the suckers will play any game, that sucks at FPS. Because that is not gaming, that is sucking the d.ck.

Do YOU have the money to always replace the core of your system..? They always say: this is new, this is the fastest, buy this! You buy it, you have at most 2 years glory with it. Me, i love my system. It is quiet! And hell no i will not replace any parts every half of a year!

What VGA would one need to play the massive invasions / pvp battles in Rift at a constant 30+ framerate? A GTX590? What is the power supply requirement for that...? 700Watts minimum...? How many is yours at home? 1200W? Oh, come on.. 1200 Watts is a smaller electric heat-radiator. Give me a break!

So, would need an addon that dumbs down graphics (decreasing mesh/poly count, decreasing water detail, etc.) REAL TIME, to an extent that any system, AT ANY POINT in the game, would produce a constant FPS. Preset to 30, or 40, or 60. Or whatever the player likes to.

And as i said before: that would require real time monitoring of the graphics requirements / resources available. Reaching the goal: constant X fps, at any time!

Oh, as of graphics. There is a brief white flash at warfronts, when you, the player die(s), and the system is rebuilding the 3D graphics right after respawning.
Please make an addon that disables that white screen, USE A BLACK one! Because hell, i dont like myself dumbed down by these white flashes. As of you.. do you even care about yourself?

Well, thats it for now. Thanks, for reading.

RoaringFlame 12-18-11 08:29 PM

Sorry, i forgot to tell: zooming in to an extent that Rift becomes first-person-shooter is great!
Too bad that the viewing angle cant be widened to any degrees i wanted to.

Because i would set it to 120 degrees.

TimeBomb 12-18-11 10:14 PM

Everything you are asking here is not possible via addons, nor is it really addon-esque ideas. These are suggestions to the original RIFT game, not addon suggestions.

1) Not possible, yet at least; we currently have very little control over chat. The developer has stated that it is on the to-do list though - to add more chat-related functionality.

2) This is not possible, and is a RIFT-specific suggestion.

3) See #2

4) Turn everything down to the lowest possible and use the low renderer. That is more than most games offer. This is a RIFT-specific suggestion.

5) Not possible, probably will never be possible or configurable via addons or RIFT.

6) RIFT-specific suggestion, not possible via addons and will almost certainly never be possible via addons.

RoaringFlame 12-19-11 09:50 PM

5 of these i have already informed Trion about. Up to -NO EFFECT-

But thank you for your swift response.

RoaringFlame 12-23-11 07:27 AM


I had my time with
<use abilities on keypress>
<ability queue>
in SETTINGS, but i still could not configure Rift to not to make a keyboard tap-tap-tap-tapping imbecile out of poor myself.

<use abilities on keypress> - this must be the toggle that whether an ability fires on key PRESSed, or on key released... But i would need an option that makes sure that in case i hold down a key, the ability is being fired when it is ready. Only the instant-cast abilities should have an AI built in, that does not allow them to fire again to the same target, as long as the previously fired one is still in effect.
IE you got a 10 sec curse, the AI does not allow you to instantly fire again and again that same skill.
OR toggle-able. Meaning, you can switch this AI on and off. And in say, the fifth second renew the curse. TAPping style is good for that. But constantly used, and RE-used skills..? Why cant i just hold down a key to fire?

So the point is, that the famous bios option TYPEMATIC RATE SETTING is being nullified in Rift, which is a very BAD thing. It makes people (me) keyboard tapping imbeciles.
Thats not good me being that.

RoaringFlame 12-23-11 08:47 AM


The game is constantly punishing with spam.

That is:
How to turn off in guildchat the reports about some other guys achievements? Hell im not interested in what others do!
I just simply wanted to play.

RoaringFlame 12-24-11 12:51 AM


Theres my other ideas! Ive been told that the "tapping" thing - they (Trion) did it on purpose! So even buffs must be clicked one by one. No macro deals queue. Well what am i..? A buffclicking bot?

Well, that, and the nowadays gaying around blowing kisses to the goblings in Sanctum city, along with all the constant bombardment with stupid names (Bahralt - Basalt?? WTF.. ), along with the always repeating NPC conversations that they start when you venture too close to one of them... (What happened to the ships on the sea? - Who the f knows.. even who the f does care about your nonexisting ships in yout nonexisting world - why isnt there an AI to turn these off after i have read these a 1000 times..?) as well as spamming about every guild members every odds and ends achievements... I finally realized, that Ive got enought trouble without the debilitating game.

It is the only way, to beat this kind of game. Hitting the account-cancel button.

And as of debilitating things.. this dancing banana on the right is soo one of them.
Excess luminescence/brightness and forever repeatedly moving things are deadly. Because of the repeating patterns. Take care.

Thank you for having me here.

Cairenn 12-24-11 11:26 AM

Safe travels RoaringFlame. Hopefully you'll find a game you can enjoy better somewhere down the road. :)

Kreiri 12-24-11 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by RoaringFlame (Post 693)
Well, that, and the nowadays gaying around blowing kisses to the goblings in Sanctum city

When a homophobe ragequits, I have only two words to say: good riddance!

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