Kreiri's Buff Bars slash commands
Since version 2.00 KBB has GUI for settings, and most of these commands are obsolete. Still, someone may find them useful.

After a fresh install:
Start with /kbb addgroup. This will add a buff group, configured by default to show all your buffs.

Slash commands:
/kbb on, /kbb off to enable or disable buff tracking. On by default.
/kbb anchors to show/hide groups' anchors. Anchor shows group's base position, as well as its ID, unit, filter and watching type.
/kbb addgroup to add bar group.
/kbb list to list group names and IDs.
/kbb list v to list group names, IDs, units, filtering and watching types.
/kbb removegroup groupid - remove specified group, groupid is the group ID.
/kbb removeallgroups - remove all groups.
/kbb where groupid - print specified group's position
/kbb move groupid x y - move specified group to (x, y) coordinates relative to screen center.
/kbb move kbbgroup1 0 0 moves kbbgroup1 to the center of the screen.
/kbb move kbbgroup1 -300 350 moves kbbgroup1 300 points to the left of the center of the screen and 350 points down.
/kbb addfilter groupid filter - adds filter to the specified group. See below for filter format.
/kbb listfilters groupid - lists all filters of the group
/kbb removefilter groupid N - removes N'th filter (as returned by /kbb listfilters) from specified group.
/kbb editfilter groupid N - edit N'th filter (as returned by /kbb listfilters) of specified group.
/kbb setunit groupid unit - sets unit of the specified group. See below for allowed units.
/kbb setfiltertype groupid type - sets filtering type of the specified group. See below for details.
/kbb setwatchtype groupid type - sets watching type of the specified group. See below for details.
/kbb setbuffcolor groupid r g b,
/kbb setdebuffcolor groupid r g b - sets buff/debuff colors for the specified group. r, g, b are red, green, blue values of the color and must be between 0 and 1.
/kbb setbackalpha groupid a - sets background alpha of the specified group. a must be between 0 an 1; 0 means fully transparent, 1 means fully opaque.
/kbb setbarwidth groupid w - sets bar width of the specified group to w
/kbb setbarheight groupid h - sets bar height of the specified group to h
/kbb setfontsize groupid s - sets bar font size of the specified group to s
/kbb setcancel groupid true - turn on canceling buffs on right-click for the specified group, /kbb setcancel groupid false - turn it off. Default is "false".
/kbb setsort groupid type - set the sorting of buffs in the specified group by remaining time. Valid types: asc to sort in ascending order, desc to sort in descending order, anything else to turn sorting off. Off by default.
/kbb setgrowth groupid direction - sets bar growth direction for the specified group. Valid directions: up, down.
/kbb r - force buff rescan on all groups.
/kbb profiles - list existing profiles.
/kbb import profile - import profile.
/kbb export name - export current profile.
/kbb ui - toggle settings UI.


Filter format:
  • filter by caster:
    • my - only casted by you
    • !my - only casted by others
  • filter by name: n<operator><value>, where <value> is name or part of the name of the buff and <operator> is
    • = - for "equals"
    • ~= - for "includes"
      Filtering by name is case-insensitive.
  • filter by duration: t<operator><value>, where <value> is duration in seconds and <operator> is
    • > - for "greater than"
    • < - for "less than"
    • >= - for "equal or greater than"
    • <= - for "equal or less than"
    Use t==nil to filter buffs with infinite duration

You can make combinations of filters using & (logical and) operator.

n~=motif - matches all buffs with "motif" in name
my&n~=motif - matches all buffs with "motif" in name, which were casted by you.

Watching type:
buff to watch buffs,
debuff to watch debuffs.

Filtering type:
whitelist means that only buffs which match at least one of the filters will be displayed;
blacklist means that all buffs will be displayed, except those which match at least one filter.
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