(360 Kb)
Updated: 09-26-12 01:17 PM
File Info
Updated:09-26-12 01:17 PM
Created:09-26-12 01:17 PM
Monthly Gizmos - September 2012
Version: 1.0.1
by: Baanano [More]
Monthly Gizmos

Monthly Gizmos is a collection of small addons, developed by various authors and built on top of Wildtide's Gadgets framework. The goal of this project is to become a sort of proving grounds where any author that wishes to contribute can test and explore new addon ideas, releasing them together in monthly batches so all of them get some exposure.
As a decentralized collaboration project, we don't want to impose restrictive constraints on authors willing to participate, but we have some basic rules that all contibutors must follow:
  1. All Gizmos must comply with RIFT UI Add-On Policy.
  2. You aren't required to contibute each month, just when you have something you want to release.
  3. You must check in your code and confirm your Gizmo is ready for release before the scheduled release date. Unfinished / unconfirmed Gizmos will be dropped from the release version and carried over to the next month batch.
  4. You must not further improve nor modify the code of a Gizmo after release, except to fix breaking bugs. If you wish to expand an idea into a full fledged addon, you can do it separately.
  5. You can't request a Gizmo to be dropped once it has been released. Nobody wants to steal your ideas, we just want to prevent the administrative burden of having to rerelease past editions every time somebody ragequits RIFT [addon development].
  6. Monthly Gizmos goal isn't to teach you how to write addons. While we encourage both new and established addon authors to contribute to this project, and are willing to help you, there are plenty other ways to learn addon development.
  7. We reserve the right to add further conditions in the future, including, but not limited to, a policy to guarantee a minimum level of quality.
If you are willing to contibute to this project, please send a message requesting membership to the current manager of the project.

September 2012 Edition

September 2012 collection of Monthly Gizmos was released on Tuesday, September 25th 2012.

Baanano: Quest List

List of known quests.
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