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Updated: 03-04-13 07:09 PM
File Info
Updated:03-04-13 07:09 PM
Created:10-10-11 07:54 PM
Version: 0.11.1
by: lokyst [More]
SimpleSK is a Suicide Kings list maintainer.

/ssk config - open the configuration window
/ssk listdel <listname> - delete the list
/ssk export <listname> - export the list
/ssk exporthtml <listname> - export the list as html
/ssk exportsuicides <listname> - export the list of suicide events in the order that they occured
/ssk import <listname> - import the list
/ssk help - prints this message
/ssk - opens the list window

Known Issues
- The Setup/Active list toggle button may appear squashed
- Group member colors do not always update when they first join or at login


How to import a list from Excel into SSK assuming the names are stored in a column:
1. Open up Excel and select the column of names.
2. Copy the names to the clipboard with Ctrl-C.
3. In Rift, type "/ssk import mylist" into the chat window.
4. In the textbox, hit Ctrl-V to paste the names, 1 name per row.
5. Click the OK button if you are happy or hit Escape to cancel. This will create a primary/base list called "mylist".

To view the list:
1. Type "/ssk" in the Rift chat window to open the SSK window.
2. Click on "Select List" in the box at the top of the window.
3. Select "mylist" from the dropdown. The list of names you imported should appear.

To select members from the primary list and view a list of only the names you are interested in:
1. Click the "Import Raid" button to automatically check the names of all members of your raid who are in the list.
2. Click the checkbox of any additional people you want to track.
3. Click on the "Click to add name" text to open up pop up window where you can enter additional names.
3. Click the "Active List" button to switch to the Active View where you can suicide people.

How to suicide names:
1. In the Active View, select the appropriate suicide list from the drop down e.g. "mylist", "Main", "Off", etc.
2. Check the name of the person you want to suicide. The other check boxes will become disabled. Click the box again to cancel your selection.
3. Click the "Suicide" button to drop the person to the bottom of the list. The active list and primary list will automatically be updated with the changes.

How to export the up to date list back to Excel:
1. In the Rift chat window, type "/ssk export mylist".
2. A text box should pop up with the names already selected. Hit Ctrl-C to copy the names.
3. Open Excel and paste the text using Ctrl-V.
Release 0.11.1 2013-03-04
- Updated LibSimpleWidgets library. This should fix a number of issues.

Release 0.11 2012-09-14
- Compatibility fixes for Rift 1.10

Release 0.10 2012-03-04
- Added ability to output to html
- Added slashcommand /ssk exporthtml <listname>
- More fixes for handling duplicate names

Release 0.9 2012-02-18
- Undo button for the chronicly indecisive
- Option to set list font size
- Fix for handling duplicate names

Release 0.8.1 2011-12-06
- Fix for text input fields displaying block characters instead of real letters

Release 0.8 2011-12-06
- Fixed a crash when deleting a currently selected list
- Fixed copy list not accepting the new name
- Fixed active list overlaying selected list when selecting a list from the configuration window
- Clicking on a list in the confguration view now automatically updates the selected list view. Removed view list button
- Update selected view to the new list when copying a list

Release 0.7 2011-11-07
- Fix some options not being saved between sessions
- Added UI improvements like scrollbars thanks to LibSimpleWidgets <3

Release 0.6.1 2011-11-02
- Fix to remove whitespace from the front of names when importing lists. This may fix issues with import raid not working consistently.

Release 0.6 2011-10-23
Lots of UI improvements
- Added class colors if members are present in your group
- Added row numbers to names to make it easier to count how many members there are
- Added a (Un)Check All Names checkbox to the Setup view in the header
- Improved raid scanning
- Added an icon to the setup and active view to easily access the configuration window
- Added an option to only view raid members present in your raid in your active view even if non-participants are selected
- Grey out color of non-participants in the active view
- Random insertion is now random
- Removed ability to add lists from the setup selection drop down. Access this through the configuration window
- Tweaks to maintain data integrity when a crash occurs
- Added a button in the configuration window to export suicide events
- Disable check boxes on active frame if there are no name entries
And many changes under the hood!

Release 0.4 2011-10-17
- Added configuration and list management window: /ssk config
- Option to add unknown names when importing a raid
- Option to add new names randomly in a list
- Many bugs squashed and new ones added!

Release 0.3 2011-10-14
- Added mouse wheel support

Release 0.2 2011-10-11
- Fixed crash when importing raid
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Unread 03-01-12, 01:58 PM  
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Originally Posted by Acesfool
Originally Posted by lokyst
I've added in an option to set the list font size, but I'm not sure what you mean by export to HTML since it could mean different things to different people.

What do you intend to do with the exported html list and is there an example I could take a look at?
My old tired eyes thank you.

By exporting to a HTML file I guess I just mean some way to export the lists in a format that I can upload to a web site. Let's say I have three different loot lists. At the end of our raid night it would be nice if I could check a box next to each list and then click "export to html" and a html file would be created in the SSK folder with the updated lists on it.

Then again, something like this could warrant removing the word "Simple" from the addon name.

While I'm here, is there a way to share the lists in game with other guildies? And is there a way to upload the lists to a web site? I know some sites such as GuildPortal can integrate with some loot programs. I know just enough about this sort of thing to be able to make a big mess of it.
Back in the day when I was first creating this, I looked high and low for guild website service that supported Suicide Kings to find out what format they required -- to no avail. If you ever happen to chance on one that does, let me know. I'll be all over it!

Anyway, currently there is only a very bare-bones Export List button in the configuration window. This will pop up a dialog window with the list in plain text format, with one name per line. You can copy this by highlighting the contents and CTRL-C copying the data and CTRL-V pasting the data. It may be possible to send it in this way to your guildies via a whisper/guild chat, although I'm not sure how well it will copy with the line feeds.

As for website uploading, here's what I did. Maybe this will help in the meantime, while I read up on how to do html. I took to pasting the data into a thread on my guild forums. It is also possible to paste it directly into a Google Documents spreadsheet and then share the (readonly) link on the forums.

So just to clarify: you want to be able to save the contents to a .html file which would contain the full html head / body / foot needed by proper html code, not just something that would be placed inside an existing html file. Correct?
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Unread 03-01-12, 10:24 AM  

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Originally Posted by lokyst
I've added in an option to set the list font size, but I'm not sure what you mean by export to HTML since it could mean different things to different people.

What do you intend to do with the exported html list and is there an example I could take a look at?
My old tired eyes thank you.

By exporting to a HTML file I guess I just mean some way to export the lists in a format that I can upload to a web site. Let's say I have three different loot lists. At the end of our raid night it would be nice if I could check a box next to each list and then click "export to html" and a html file would be created in the SSK folder with the updated lists on it.

Then again, something like this could warrant removing the word "Simple" from the addon name.

While I'm here, is there a way to share the lists in game with other guildies? And is there a way to upload the lists to a web site? I know some sites such as GuildPortal can integrate with some loot programs. I know just enough about this sort of thing to be able to make a big mess of it.
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Unread 02-18-12, 08:21 AM  
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Originally Posted by Acesfool
Thanks for making this addon. I've always been a big fan of Suicide Kings.

I was wondering if there's a way to increase the text size. I have crappy vision and the lists are kind of hard for me to read.

One suggestion. It would be really cool if the lists could be exported to an HTML file.
I've added in an option to set the list font size, but I'm not sure what you mean by export to HTML since it could mean different things to different people.

What do you intend to do with the exported html list and is there an example I could take a look at?
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Unread 02-17-12, 06:35 PM  

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Thanks for making this addon. I've always been a big fan of Suicide Kings.

I was wondering if there's a way to increase the text size. I have crappy vision and the lists are kind of hard for me to read.

One suggestion. It would be really cool if the lists could be exported to an HTML file.
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Unread 10-14-11, 07:35 AM  
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Originally posted by Critt
KK tested it out works great!

Only issue I have is my guild has 36 active raiders; the list will expand past the actual background image and sometimes interfere with the buttons.

Other than that works perfect! Import/export works like a charm! Me love you long time!!!!

Suggestion for the expanding list... The person that make nkRebuff has a custom config menu. Maybe get with him and see how that worked? idk if that is a route you want to take, just a suggestion.
Ok, you can now use your mouse wheel to scroll the window.
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Unread 10-13-11, 07:55 AM  
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Originally posted by Critt
KK tested it out works great!

Only issue I have is my guild has 36 active raiders; the list will expand past the actual background image and sometimes interfere with the buttons.

Other than that works perfect! Import/export works like a charm! Me love you long time!!!!

Suggestion for the expanding list... The person that make nkRebuff has a custom config menu. Maybe get with him and see how that worked? idk if that is a route you want to take, just a suggestion.
Thanks for letting me know it works.

I have an idea for setting up a scroll window, but we just had floors installed so no home computer access until we get the room back. And OMG the cleaning x_x
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Unread 10-12-11, 10:34 AM  

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KK tested it out works great!

Only issue I have is my guild has 36 active raiders; the list will expand past the actual background image and sometimes interfere with the buttons.

Other than that works perfect! Import/export works like a charm! Me love you long time!!!!

Suggestion for the expanding list... The person that make nkRebuff has a custom config menu. Maybe get with him and see how that worked? idk if that is a route you want to take, just a suggestion.
Last edited by Critt : 10-12-11 at 12:40 PM.
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Unread 10-12-11, 09:57 AM  

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Sweet thanks for the info!
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Unread 10-11-11, 09:26 PM  
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Originally posted by Critt
Gona give it a shot this weekend when we raid might prove useful enough that I don't need my spreadsheet open.
It should be fairly easy to import the list from Excel into SSK assuming the names are stored in a column:
1. Open up Excel and select the column of names.
2. Copy the names to the clipboard with Ctrl-C.
3. In Rift, type "/ssk import mylist" into the chat window.
4. In the textbox, hit Ctrl-V to paste the names, 1 name per row.
5. Click the OK button if you are happy or hit Escape to cancel. This will create a primary/base list called "mylist".

Try copying the list into a test list beforehand and play around with it. Let me know if you find any bugs
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Unread 10-11-11, 01:21 AM  

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Gona give it a shot this weekend when we raid might prove useful enough that I don't need my spreadsheet open.
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