(1 Kb)
Updated: 09-19-11 03:48 AM
File Info
Updated:09-19-11 03:48 AM
Created:09-19-11 03:48 AM
Xanadu parser addon
Version: 1.0.0
by: mabs [More]
This addon is only a restricted view of data available in the xanadu parser.
this addon is NOT a parser, it is not yet possible with the current rift addon api to create a full addon parser (and even when possible i will not create one)
To work this addon will require the xanadu parser to run in background.

the addon is included in the xanadu parser, to get it, take a look at user manual (the download link is inside)

(original post on rift forum here )

-1st run
You should not be logged in any character (being on the character screen will work)
start the parser
go to the addon tab
select your rift directory
enter your rift login, this is necessary because some folders depend of your login (the savedVariable folder to be precise)
click the install button
tick the enable addon check box
log in one of your character
type the following command to start the combat logging : /combatlog
go back to the parser, on the live parsing tabs
click browse and select the combatlog.txt file that is in your rift folder
go back to rift, you should now see the addon ingame.

-other runs
start the parser
go to live parser tabs
click parse
do not forget to /combatlog when you play


you can tick the check box to enable/disable the info you want ingame

the ingame ui addon elements are in fact an image copy of what you can see in the HUD module of the parser, this is why if you want to customise those in game elements, you will have to go to the HUD to configure font size/color/sorting/etc...

-Moving ui element
to move the ui element ingame you can use the following command:
/xparser elementName x y
elemenName is the name of the element you want to move, you see this name in the parser addon tabs
x and y the position of the element in pixel

you can create custom charts to display ingame, for that that you need to use some xml to define the chart, see the dev guide to see the format needed

You have to install the addon again when(You need to be logged out when installing the addon):
Using the addon for the first time
After adding a custom chart
after modifying the title of a custom chart
when you change the login
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