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hylax 06-07-11 10:02 AM

Hi everyone!

I've found out about RIFT when it was in beta 3 in January. Prior to RIFT I have been playing EVE Online for 3 years.
I still have an active EVE Online subscription but when the RIFT add-on API is published I will likely stick with the latter.

RIFT is the first MMO which I followed from almost the beginning. It's great to see the game still going strong and I'm looking forward to start learning add-on and UI development.

mabs 06-07-11 10:13 AM

I developed a parser for vanguard sometime ago, and i am currently working on a parser for rift ( http://forums.riftgame.com/showthrea...adu-log-parser ).
I would like to create an addon that look like the hud feature of my rift parser:
to show info gathered from the parser and maybe even the buff tracking feature.

my first plan is that the addon would be only a view of my parser data (to not code twice a parsing engine with different language...), meaning there would be communication between the addon and the parser, no idea if that would be even possible, and as i never had the opportunity to work on addons i have no clue what to expect.

Menolie 06-07-11 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 8)
Before anyone asks - yes I am an honest-to-goodness female. Still somewhat of a rarity in the MMORPG world I know, but there are a few of us around.

I'm a female gamer myself, always nice to run into others :banana:

I'm been playing Rift since the second to last public beta and still enjoying it :p

Kira420 06-08-11 06:01 AM

I play rift on the spitescar server, i've never written an addon and probably never will. I do however plan to use some and am anxious to see what you people come up with !

Sasenna 06-08-11 02:07 PM


I am Sas, I have spent years playing WoW ( 6 years ). When Rift came out, several of my real life friends switched to it. Naturally I switched as well. From the beginning the biggest turn off for me was the lack of AddOns.

In WoW I have never written my own code, however I have spent hundreds of hours modifying others code. I am very picky when it comes to my UI. My signature shows the AddOn UI I kept going the longest.

Programming Knowledge:
I have 3 years of C++ college credit. LUA to me works alot like C++, some things were easy to figure others not so much.

Hopefully, with Rift I will be able to learn even more about LUA, and maybe even begin to write my own AddOns vs just modifying.


Callinon 06-08-11 05:32 PM

I had some issues getting my Zam premium recognized too, I realized later that I was just doing it bass-ackwards, and got it worked out :D

Aviara 06-10-11 06:25 AM

im female gamer, mom of 3 and cant wait to see mods for Rift!

Nelvean 06-10-11 07:57 PM

Hello everyone, thanks for site
i wish you good luck all who works on codes and all other things..

Happy gaming...

PS : please dont forget Party's target and Raid's target :cool:

icebjorn 06-11-11 09:22 AM

Hello all. I played rift during the closed beta and then took a break and started playing the game about an month after it came out. Im currently playing a rogue and as I wrote in another post im and graphic design fan boy looking to get involved in add on development. Nice to meet 'cha :)

Neglected 06-11-11 02:09 PM

Ohai der!
My name is Neglected, I'm playing a Kelari Rogue on the Whitefall PvP server. I used to work in WoW emulation under the same alias, and now I've moved over to Rift Interface Customization. See you all around on IRC, etc :)

Raesoth 06-11-11 07:08 PM

Nice to be home again. Maybe this time I can actually sit down and figure out this LUA stuff and get an addon going. :)

But I'm always willing to test stuff out and let those know whats works and what doesn't. Maybe a nice bag mod or well a dashpanel would be wonderful .. wow's nUI or something similar.

Lets see these addons :)

phoenik 06-15-11 03:44 AM

Phoenik of Seastone[US]. Played FFXI for 7 years, quit just this past year (game was changing). Friend that got into one of the earliest Betas for Rift said I should try the game. Got addicted to the flow fairly quickly.

I've never worked with LUA before so this will be my first experience with it :). I'm looking forward to breaking things and finding bugs.

RecastBox is my first experiment with LUA and the idea stems from a similar 3rd party application for FFXI. Probably not the most original idea, but it's a nice learning experience :P.

Yorgl 06-16-11 03:44 AM

Bonjour à tous !

Well, Yorgl/Iorghl here. Newb tank on a French-RP server.
Can't wait to have addons to slightly improve my UI. I've worked on some addons in WoW, but so far I can only code very very simple ones. I still consider give it a try in Rift if necessary !


Originally Posted by Neglected (Post 142)
Ohai der!

O hai.

iridar 06-16-11 07:48 AM

Hello! Iridar here.

Introduced to Addons in WoW, but never really did any programming as the community was established and I was (almost) always able to find what I needed.

Wrote a few little Lua scripts in WAR just to fool around, never published anything. Looking forward to trying my hand at some real stuff for Rift.

bcgamer 06-16-11 08:18 PM

Nice site design, I play RIFT for 3 months, love it so far, and I am also opening a mmo blog for this game.

bcgamer 06-16-11 08:20 PM

hi, I am tony

Othgar 06-22-11 09:38 PM


Othgar here just like I am everywhere else. Still playing around with LUA trying to get enough time to actually do more than compile addons and tweak Ouf Layouts. Looking forward to diving in to the Rift UI thing from the beginning.


ironhead 06-23-11 03:34 PM


I'm a recent college grad with a back ground in object oriented programming (primarily Java programming) trying to learn LUA and the Rift AddOn API in general so that I can build my own add ons.

ravensghost 07-01-11 09:57 PM

Hi Ravens here, played WoW and got hooked on the add-ons for it, hoping this time I can add to the community and not just sponge of it.

Sunspots 07-02-11 07:03 AM

I'm usually Sunspots but there is apparently another Sunspots in the rift community so I sense there might be some confusion.
I'm not "Sunspots" on the official forums but I'm Sunspots here and on Curse.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way - I recently started playing rift and the addons addition was definitely a selling point for me (I would've gotten it anyway I think, but maybe not as eagerly)
I have been a bit of an addon junkie when I've played WoW and WAR (and some RoM and LOTRO), some weeks spending more time on simply customising the addons than actually playing the thing.

I have released one little thing previously, which was basically just a single-function mod for WAR.

Right now, though, I'm making two different mods for RIFT; some unit bars and a library(more on that later).
I don't know how they will turn out but, since I haven't really done much of this before.

Wish me luck!

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