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Cairenn 06-29-11 02:46 PM

Geek Girl Commandments and Bill of Rights
With the surge of superhero movies, non-geek girls who are dragged to the movies by their boyfriends are slowly starting to discover the awesomeness that is nerdy obsession and peek behind the pop culture curtain.

Instead of going River Tam on the cheerleaders that so harshly rejected us, we need to guide these ladies into our culture (even if it means enjoying the fact that we're higher on the social - ha! - ladder than they are).

If they want to play on our grid, they need to play by our rules.

Here's a list of ten Geek Girl Commandments and the Geek Girl Bill of Rights you can share with the amateur geek girl you're mentoring.

Geek Girl Commandments
I) Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s 20-sided die.

II) Thou shall not coyly mention your female status in forum posts, lest thee be courted for photographs of your bazooms.

III) Thou shall not begrudge non-geek women for entering the geekdom; for in increasing our numbers shall our collective strength grow.

IV) Thou shall represent all of girl geekdom when attending conventions, shopping at comic book stores, and cosplaying.

V) Thou shall not exclude thy non-geek friends from thy social life, for when thou shall seek to convert, to whom shall you preach?

VI) Thou shall defend any geek that requires assistance, even if she is of the Trek persuasion and you have pledged your allegiance to the Wars.

VII) Thou shall listen to the word of nerd as geeks from other faiths share their messages.

VIII) Thou shall not feel shame for not looking exactly like a character while cosplaying, for screen-accurate uniforms rarely obey the laws of physics.

IX) Thou shall respond with thanks to all who accuse you of doing something “like a girl.”

X) Thou shall not fake knowledge in geeky area, for thou shall be found out and rightfully smote.
In the name of the Scully, the Connor, and the holy Ripley, Amen.

Geek Girl Bill of Rights
* I have the right to be taken seriously for my interests and not be accused of getting into video gaming, comic books, science, or other traditionally male-dominated geek interests to impress a guy.

* I have the right to enjoy non-geeky things without losing geek cred.

* I have the right to send angry emails to retailers that only offer geeky shirts in men’s styles and sizes.

* I have the right to bare arms, abs, and legs. I can dress as any superhero I want to without being touched, harassed, or being accused of inviting sexual advances. I also understand that dressing provocatively will draw attention, and I will deal with unwanted but harmless attention with class and dignity.

* I have the right to enjoy all geek movies, whether they have strong and interesting female characters or they don’t even pass the Bechdel Test.

* I have the right to sneak geek books into formal occasions in case things get dull.

* I have the right to use my feminine wiles to my advantage without being a tease or a jerk.

* I have the right to stand up for myself when my geekiness is mocked. I also have the right to walk away from the situation if I don’t think the bully is worth my time.

* I have the right to cut and dye my hair to match whatever character I am cosplaying, and I have the right to totally botch the job once or twice before I get it right.

* I have the right to engage in heated debates about geek topics without personal attacks or holding grudges.
Courtesy Forces of Geek.

Myrroddin 06-30-11 10:17 AM

That totally reeks of awesomeness! (which is a geek reference -- but if anyone knows it, I will be duly impressed)

TMc51 06-30-11 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 304)
VI) Thou shall defend any geek that requires assistance, even if she is of the Trek persuasion and you have pledged your allegiance to the Wars.

I'm a Star Wars nerd, but oddly enough, I'll even admit that Trekkie girls are by far the best of the lot. Also, there aren't really any decent Star Wars bands, yet there's an awesome Trekkie band.


Kreiri 07-01-11 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 304)
II) Thou shall not coyly mention your female status in forum posts, lest thee be courted for photographs of your bazooms.

Translation: "I don't mind women as long as they are invisible".


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 304)
IV) Thou shall represent all of girl geekdom when attending conventions, shopping at comic book stores, and cosplaying.

Translation: http://xkcd.com/385/

Aieny 07-06-11 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Kreiri (Post 310)
Translation: "I don't mind women as long as they are invisible".

Actually, I think the translation is more like: "Expect those nasty boys to wanna see your jumblies when they find out you're a gurl, because they are all horny teenage pimply faced kids gaming in the late hours in their mother's basement and don't have the social etiquette to handle real life girls and girlfriends"

;) :p

TxOutlaw 06-23-13 05:29 PM

I am not a pimply faced teenaged boy living out of my mothers basement. Horny on the other hand, well at age 44 you usally take advantage of every chance you get when you get it unless your one of those guys that have a 20ish yr old gurl friend then its just asking for what you get which is usally so sore you can't get outta bed the next morning cause she outlast you. So Geek Gurls bring on the boobies. LoL.... J/King. But on the other hand I do enjoy gaming with the geeky gurls in my guild. :banana: :p :D

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