Thread: Request: Sorter
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Unread 06-07-11, 04:11 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 3
I do personally have high hopes for inventory-related addons to go above and beyond what we've been able to witness so far.

My main train of tought is the ability to go along the lines of what combuctor did. You were able to seperate everything by first condensing all of your bags into one big bag, and then split it up into smaller "virtual bags" which take up just the right size for the items you have.

Aesthetic flexibility was sadly quite disappointing with that addon, but the job it was aimed to do was carried out quite professionally.

Personally I want to see something which compresses all the bags into one bigger, better looking bag (in my case simpler, darker and more minimalist than I could possibly imagine! :P) and allows us to create "rules" for organizing everything we get on-the-go. Organization could either happen real-time (every set amount of milliseconds) or every-time the bags are opened or re-opened.

Would most definitely be nice for addon authors to be given a detailed list of features one would like to see coming out of these addons. Ideas are the fuel driving those crazy authors out there!
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