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An Introduction to EPGP
EPGP is a system designed to fairly allocate loot to raid members. It's based on the principal that the more effort you put in to the guild, the more loot you will be awarded. What "effort" means is up to your guild officers to decide, time spent raiding is one measure of effort, but "Effort Points" can be awarded to players for anything, helping the guild out with administration or impressive skill in a raid for example.

EPGP overcomes some of the complaints players have with other loot "points" based systems. It doesn't unfairly penalise players who raid less regularly than others and it doesn't unfairly favour long term guild members over newer recruits. It seeks to be a fair system which keeps everyone happy.

Let's look at an example of how the EPGP system allocates loot fairly. Suppose we have two players, "Alfar" and "Enve". Over the course of a month Alfar attends twice as many raids as Enve. Let's assume that every time they are in a raid together they both want the same loot. At the end of the month, it would work out that Alfar has been awarded twice the amount of loot as Enve. Which seems perfectly fair doesn't it? Alfar put in twice the time that Enve did, so he gets twice the amount of loot. If Alfar received 10 items, Enve would get 5.

The example above has been overly simplified to illustrate the general principal. The actual reality is slightly more complex, and we'll look at why in more detail later.

For the moment it's enough to understand that EPGP's purpose is to fairly distribute loot and remove the element of random chance from who gets awarded loot.

How does it work?
EPGP is derived from the terms "Effort Points" and "Gear Points". Players earn Effort Points (EP) for putting in effort. Players gain Gear Points (GP) when they are awarded loot. The relationship between EP and GP is used to calculate the "Loot Priority" when more than one player wants an item drop. The player with the highest priority (PR) gets the loot.

The formula is quite simple:

PR = EP / GP


Loot Priority = Effort Points divided by Gear Points

This has the basic effect that being awarded loot lowers your Loot Priority; the more loot you are awarded the lower your Loot Priority will fall. Conversely the less loot you are awarded the higher your Loot Priority will rise, ensuring everyone gets their chance of being awarded loot.

Ensuring Fairness
There are some subtleties to the system to ensure fairness.

Standby Players
Players who are not in the raid can choose to be "standby" players. A standby player waits on the sidelines ready to jump in if another player has to leave the raid unexpectedly. For their troubles, a standby player earns Effort Points just as if they were actually in the raid. So they earn looting priority for future raids.

Effort Points and Gear Points decay over time. This means that "effort" put in two months ago is worth slightly less than "effort" put in today. The purpose of this is so that long term raiders who don't need much loot don't build up an unfair advantage over newer members.

Gear Points
Not all loot is the same. A great two handed weapon drop is probably more desirable than a great ring drop. To account for these items can be given different Gear Point values. One of the effects of this is that a player who only loots less desirable items will actually receive more items over time than a player who only loots highly desirable items.