Macro Help
Macro Documentation

Getting a lot of posts, pm's, email and ingame questions so here you go!

The only difference outside of #show Ability (you wont use because thats for a button) is you will not use mouseover. Thats because there is no npc to mouseover, you are clicking a frame instead. So....use ## instead of @mouseover.

I am not going to teach you how to write Rift macros, you can learn all that at Comprehensive Macros and List of Commands

Simple Editor is pretty much self explanatory. It assigns one macro to one button click. If you click Target, it will make a target macro and insert depending on what you select for modifiers, (group or focus) (shift, ctrl, alt).

The same if you click on an ability. It will insert cast [modifiers] Spell

Now, onto the custom editor: Just select a button, select Custom and it will open a full macro editor. This is for creating mulitline macros. These are not optimized macros but examples showing line execution and should work fine. If anyone has other macros that need to be defined, send to me and I can add as examples as well.

example for a chlorolock:
use Insignia of the Deep
cast [ctrl] ## Essence Surge
cast [ctrl] ## Bloom
cast [shift] @focus Bloom
target ##
cast ## void life

Line 1 <---Use an item if you want.
Line 2 <---2 minute cooldown Heal; only if you hold ctrl down
Line 3 <---10 sec cooldown Heal; only if you hold ctrl down
Line 4 <---Lets cast this on focus instead of shift key is held.
Line 4 <---This will allow you to cast on target's target, this needs to be set in interface options.
Line 5 <---Now you can use your dps skill on the frames.

example for Sentinel cleric:
cast [ctrl] Divine Call
cast [ctrl] Healing Communion
cast ## Healing Breath
cast ## Healing Grace

Line 1 <---Hold ctrl, cast instant group heal, has a 1 minute cooldown so...
Line 2 <---Hold ctrl, now if Divine Call is on cooldown, will cast this group heal.
Line 3 <---This will cast an instant Heal, has 8 seconds cooldown so next line..
Line 4 <---If Healing Breath is on cooldown, will start casting Healing Grace instead.
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